关于荣耀 荣耀(HONOR)是全球领先的智能终端提供商,致力于打造全球标志性的科技品牌,创造属于每个人的智慧新世界。荣耀以品质、创新和服务作为战略控制点,坚持研发及前瞻性技术的持续投入,通过全系列手机及智能生态产品,为全球消费者带来创新、领先、可信赖的产品与服务,打造极致的全场景智慧生活体验。 更多信息请登录荣耀官网www.hihonor.com About HONOR HONOR is a leading global provider of smart devices. It is dedicated to becoming a global iconic technology brand and creating a new intelligent world for everyone through its powerful products and services. With an unwavering focus on R&D, it is committed to developing technology that empowers people around the globe to go beyond, giving them the freedom to achieve and do more. Offering a range of high quality smartphones, tablets, laptops and wearables to suit every budget, HONOR’s portfolio of innovative, premium and reliable products enable people to become the better version of themselves. For more information, please visit HONOR online at www.hihonor.com or email **** http://community.hihonor.com/ https://www.facebook.com/honorglobal/ https://twitter.com/Honorglobal https://www.instagram.com/honorglobal/ https://www.youtube.com/honorglobal
"来源高校: 南京理工大学
宣讲时间: 2024-09-12 16:00  (周四)
举办地点: 第二教学楼 101
发布时间: 2024-09-03 17:47